A colourful list for Black,Brown & Indigenous social entrepreneurs

BøthOfUs AB
2 min readMay 8, 2022
image credit : imdb

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools”-Martin Luther king Jr

“Let us work together for unity and love “- Mahatma Gandhi.

This article lists all the resources available for Black,Brown and Indigenous social entrepreneurs (this is a lazy list with only links, soon a fully detailed list along with a tool for colourful people will be release by BøthOfUs)

Organisations list

VCs, Accelerators & Funds

BøthOfUs is working on creating a tech tool to support founders of colors, to make this world colorful. In the process of creating the tool we were collecting the list and we thought it will be great to share this with everyone and make it public so it can be useful to someone before we release our tool.

  • If you are an entrepreneur of color and in need of extra brain with tech and design expert to deliver grass root level changes or
  • If you are foundations or VCs working to do changes teaming with or for people of colors, feel free to connect to us and lets take a call, lets do it for a better and equal world, the race cannot happen with different starting points.

Website : www.bothofus.se

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaynag/

Book here for 20 min Intro call to create social impact using tech and design — https://calendly.com/kay_bothofus/intro



BøthOfUs AB

Working on UN SDG goals and helping companies working on UN SDG goals with tech and design.