How can startups, SMEs, Individual all over the world can help Ukraine

BøthOfUs AB
2 min readFeb 26, 2022
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The train station in “Przemyśl”polish border side of Ukraine (10 km from border) sees 4 kids in the age of 5 to 15 without their parents (since their dad’s are protecting Ukraine back home and they do not know where their mom’s are, they believe they are on their way to meet them soon) — Source DW news.

UN vote today resulted in Russia vetoing the war, India China and UAE abstained. Even countries like Brazil voted against Russia.

We all as so called “Grown ups” what will we say to children’s and kids of Ukraine when they are soon gonna look into our eyes and ask why this happened in 2022.

Having war in 2022, takes humanity in reverse so many years. The question here is what can we all as entrepreneurs, individuals, living around the world can do to show compassion towards Ukraine.

I am no expert on war(I do not want to be as I thought we moved a long way from those barbaric times), International economy or Finance , however I decided to write this.

Here are few things startups, Individuals and innovation departments can do all over the world

We are ready to build any tech solution for Free, if anyone is helping the people of Ukraine.

For more information or open communication, you can reach us here:




BøthOfUs AB

Working on UN SDG goals and helping companies working on UN SDG goals with tech and design.